Thursday, 14 September 2017

I'm home from a long stay in hospital

First I apologise if this post doesn't make any sense. My brain is a bit mush at the moment.

I finally got out of hospital last Thursday after a month. I don't remember much of my stay. After going through 4 antibiotics the infection in my  Hickman line finally cleared. It had to be taken out and a new line placed. I hate having new lines as it's very traumatic.I've lost a lot of strength and am currently staying at my parents house.

While I was in hospital. The council came round to adapt my bungalow a bit more.Some doors have been widen and a wall has been shaved abut to allow me better access.This means hopefully I won't destroy my walls, doors and wheelchair anymore.

I'm ready to go back to my house now. It's going to take a while to get myself back to how I was before. At the moment I'm terrified of another infection as I've had 3 lines in 4 months and not sure I can go through it again. All I can do is try to be as sterile as possible.

Changing the subject. As some of you know I love to grow veg in my garden. I was worried about it while I was away, yes I'm weird I know. I missed my sweetcorn growing and proud to say I grew it from seed. It's nearly ready now so here is a pick for you.

Apparently the sweetcorn is the long bit under the fluffy bit. Haha. Sorry not a very good description.  When the fluffy bit gets dark then the sweetcorn is ready. Not long now. Sadly my tomatoes didn't do so well this year and I only had one red one. There's always next year.

Bye for now
Hayley x

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