Thursday, 2 July 2015

Can't believe it's been so long since i updated my blog. To be honest I'm not sure if anyone actually reads my ramblings.

Apologies that this maybe a very long post. Since the last time i updated things have got alot worse.

I got the results for my stomach tests from London. It shows i have very severe gastroparesis. This is where the muscles in the stomach don't work very well to empty it.It has led me to lose alot of weight as between that and my weak oesophagus, i haven't been able to eat enough to function.

Things got worse when i had my wisdom tooth taken out and was given antibiotics. I haven't been able to eat or drink since. My consultant in London suggested a feeding tube. I tried to survive as long as i could at home but had to be admitted to hospital.

The plan was to insert a peg j tube. This is performed via endoscopy. They put the tube down your throat and make a hole into your stomach. They then extend the tube bypassing the stomach and feed into the intestine.

i had got my head around this idea. However it didn't seem to go to plan! Guess what? The doctor couldn't find my stomach. Weird huh. They think it's sitting in my chest cavity. So the next plan is to do it surgically. They will cut an opening in my abdomen, hopefully find my stomach and put the feeding tube in.

This can't happen until 13th July though as the surgeon is a very busy bunny or man. Day after my birthday boohoo.

So in the mean time i have to be fed via Tpn.

Sorry about the pic. He looks rather constipated hehe. Thanks google.
Anyway i don't know alot about it as i prefer not to. All i know is it is fed through a vein in the neck and has potential complications.

So now i have educated you all with info you will prob never use again haha. Anyway bye for now. Off to watch a film. x

1 comment:

  1. Goodness, I have been hoping that things would be getting better for you, not worse! Sending you big hugs xxx
