I warn you in advance, this isn't a very cheerful post. Last night i went to wheelchair basketball. I have been so excited for weeks and then it was finally time to go. I arrived and alreay new a few people and two people had the same conditions as me. I also met a girl there who i was in rehab with. Its a small world.
It was then i realised how different i am. There was only me and this other girl who were fulltime wheelchair users.
I found out that my muscles are crap and im rubbish at throwing a ball. I never was good at ball throwing but hey i thought i would give it a try.
I felt like the runt of the litter, abit like my cat really (sorry molly). At the end of the game i didnt have the strength to transfer back into my chair so i had to have help (how embarassing).
I realised that although i have the same condtions as some others, i am effected differently. they are quite strong whereas i am not. No matter how much exercise i do, i dont get much stronger.
Today i am useless and stuck in bed. I will perservere for the next 7 sessions though and then maybe check myself into rehab haha.
apologies my spell check isn't working x